Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Day I Fell in Love with KFC

Who doesn't love KFC? Well, I used to hate them, cause I never get any. You guys should really make a dog friendly menu, you know. Betcha it will make the sales go over the roof. Errr, some of you might think it's all about food to me, but don't get me wrong, there's always a moral story behind it (well at least this one does).

This one cold afternoon, me and my parents went to KFC. After my parents ordered the food, they went and sat outside on the patio to eat, so they can keep an eye on me. Not long after, came a homeless guy (let's call him Mr. N) with his black labrador.
After sitting for a while, Mr. N went inside and brought out a tiny snacker. What surprised me was that his labrador doesn't even move an inch when he went inside the building. Me on the other hand, always go crazy when my parents left me, even for 1 minute =( Anyway, my parents felt bad when they saw Mr. N only ate such a small snacker for lunch, so they decided to give him some of the brownies that Mom baked few days ago.

This is when the story gets better. When Dad went to the car to pack some of the brownies, Mr. N saw me sitting in the car and he approached us slowly. To be honest I'm kinda scared, but then... he smiled at us, telling my Dad how pretty I am and then he offered me some DOGGY TREATS!! I'm crying with tears inside... This guy obviously doesn't have much to begin with and he still willing to share what tiny amount he has left :'( I was so touched, and I'm sure my parents felt the same way. In the end Mom and Dad didn't only gave him some extra brownies but they slipped him some money too. Hopefully Mr. N and his Lab got a decent dinner that night.

Since then, I never hate KFC anymore, even tho I still never get anything whenever my parents ate them. All I remember is the warm smile and the doggy treats that Mr. N gave to me. Now that I think about it, I remembered something that Dad told Mom a while ago. "The more you give, the more you will receive." At least it was true for Mr. N.

Lots of sloppy kisses,

Milo the Sheltie

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